Insurance Billing
Are you an experienced practitioner who loves working with patients, but would be just fine if you never saw a CMS 1500 form again?
Or, are you a new practitioner and you want to take insurance, but you'd rather someone else worry about the billing?
We can help with that.
Rates: 5-6% standalone based on volume, 7-9% if used with bookkeeping/collections services
IT Support
Networking, Printer support, Computer support, General Tech Consulting, even Training for computer and software use. We can help you learn the skills needed to support your business.
Initial Consultation: 30 minutes Free
IT work or Continued Consultation: $20/hr
When your business is growing, the ongoing cycle of sales, accounts receivable and collections can be overwhelming. We track all outstanding claims until they get paid, and bill your clients for amounts owed.
Rates: 4-5% standalone, 2% if in addition to insurance billing based on volume
Do you just need to get some stuff off your chest? Need to vent about your most difficult-to-collect receivables? Maybe it's time to make a change. If you are considering hiring out your billing,
we give free initial consultations. If you just need some training on doing billing yourself, or if you are making the transition from paper to electronic, we can help with that, too. We're all in this together.
Initial Consultation: 30 minutes Free
Insurance Billing Coaching/Consulting: $40/hour
IT Support
Networking, Raspbery Pi, General Tech Consulting, even Training for computer and software use. We can fix your issues and help you learn the skills needed to support your business.
Initial Consultation: 30 minutes Free
IT work or Continued Consultation: $20/hr